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Monday, April 24, 2023


Game 2
Great freaking time last night with the Yankees, and Braves/Vibes next door was just ?? !  Cold af, but glad it was good and dry all night.  So good to see so many of ya... year 20 is off to a great start!

Bears played full split-squad last night for the first time, that was actually a shit load of fun.  Field 1 at Sky Hill was not optimal for hitters, lots of would-be meaty dongs were kept in the yard.  Some managed to go out, though because ?? .  Bears also unveiled a portable scoreboard that accompanies the Bears Bar.  Any of you manage to get a photo of that?  I did not. 

Yanks sweep, 6-0 and 14-1.  Both complete six inning games, which in the Bears dugout count as wins.  Cannablast pitched a decent Game 1, and I just could not find the damn board in Game 2.  That ump was a stingy asshole.

Submitted: Truck Apr 25, 2023

Hitting Stars

  Rocky 5-8, 2 HR
4 RBI, 4 R
  Dee 2-5

Series at a Glance

Game 1  R H E
Bears 0 0 2
Yankees 6 9 1
Game 2  R H E
Yankees 14 15 0
Bears 1 6 2