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Below are your 2014 Eagan and Hopkins All-Star/Fun-Star teams, as voted by you.  Congratulations to all that were voted in:  this is an honor and I hope you'll live up to your end of it by being there this Saturday for All-Star Night!  The itinerary is below the results posted here.

If, however, you absolutely cannot be there (and as always there will be some), LET ME KNOW ASAP so we can get the alternates in place.

22 people voted in Hopkins, and 23 in Eagan.  Without further adieu...

Eagan All-Stars:

Batters:  Handsome Mat, Box, Fedawg, Rex, Wole, J-Ski
Batting alternates: (Seuss, EZ E, Shirls)

Pitchers:  Seuss, The Kid, Hardball
Pitching alternates:  (Rex, Hjal, Shirls)

Fielders:  Crabbs, Schnoogens, Box
Fielding alternates:  (Fish, Web Gem)

Hopkins All-Stars:

Batters:  Smallpox, TJ, Aquaman, Two Bat, Taco, Sanchez, Beardface, Shants, The Man, Spaz, Hondo, Sparky
Batting alternates: (Mippey5)

Pitchers: Sticks, Beardface, DJ, Shandy, The Man, Tugboat, TwoBat
Pitching alternates: (  )

Fielders:  Mippey5, Pearl, Chops, Bliss Jr, Thor, Taco
Fielding Alternates:  (  )

Fun Star team rosters are eight guys mostly because there was a 4-way tie for spots 5-8 in Eagan and invariably there might be a few who won't be there anyway, so... we'll tap alternates (aka available warm bodies) as needed.

Eagan Fun-Stars:
Neut, Madman, CX, Westy, Cheezy, Dr. Xesus, Tootin', TT

Hopkins Fun-Stars:
Eddie Bauer, Truck, Vlade, Sparky, Bork, Nelson, K-Mart, Taco

The Home Run Derby participants were chosen by me partly based on the stats on the website (I have gotten reports of sheets still not being entered so I cannot say how accurate they may or may not be) and partly me picking people who may not already be voted in to do other events.  If this is a problem for you, I'm sorry, I just want to be as inclusive as I can here:

Eagan Home Run Derby:
Meesta, Yo, EZ-E, Cheese Curd, Seuss

Hopkins Home Run Derby:
Shants, Chops, The Man, Spaz, Smallpox, Beardface, Taco


Those who have been in the league for a while know that All-Star Night, especially in past years, has been a memorable night and for a long time was our signature event.  We're hoping to restore this night to its former glory in 2014.  All-Star Night is for EVERYONE in the league, and it's a great social event, so regardless of whether you're chosen to participate in any of the events or not, you really ought to come-- it's a freaking BLAST! 

Here is the agenda:
5pm:  Home Run Derby (4 participants from Eagan and 4 from Hopkins)
6pm:  Fun-Star Game (4 innings or 45 minutes, whichever happens first)
7pm:  All-Star Game (9 innings or 2 hours, whichever happens first)

9pm:  All-Star Afterparty at Hjal's house in Eagan, featuring Hjalmar's world famous brick oven, exquisite ambiance, and live music from my brother's band all the way from Massachusetts, Bourquensweeno (yes, they're still playing!)  If you missed out on post All-Star Night or post World Series shenanigans at Hjal's place last year, you definitely need to make a point to be there this time!  It's first class, just like Hjal himself.

Hjal's place is very close by Sky Hill, so no need to post his addy here, we'll just caravan up there after the events are over. 

This has been on the calendar and you've been told about it for months, so I hope to see you out there. 


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# H8R
Wednesday, July 9, 2014 9:45 PM
When will the No-Fun Stars be announced???!!

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