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This is a new series which is intended to help the world get to know your favorite HRL players. Anyone can see player stats, but how about we get deep into the minds of players like….

Trevor “T-Mac” McCauley of the Pirates.

T-Mac was introduced to the league by a co-worker in 2007 and joined the Pirates. He spent 3 seasons with them before signing with the Yankees until 2015 when he joined the new-look Pirates. 

T-Mac has one of the best attendance records in league history and will also expect to hit his 100th career HR this season (sitting at 94 right now). His best season was in 2011 when he played in 35 games with the Yankees, hitting .324 with an OBP of over .400. 

T-Mac has seen lots of great wiffleball over the years but the best team he ever played was the Expos. In his eyes, the toughest out in the league is Two Bat (or Tugboat) and toughest pitcher is Seuss. 

He enjoys playing in the HRL because it is the perfect mix of fun and competition. The Pirates are a consistently fun team to play and are a great group of guys. He likes to drink, which is also his best advice for rookies. The best trash talker in the league in his eyes is H8R and if he had to start a new franchise with one player under the age of 25 it would be Epstein.

Did you know? T-Mac graduated from the same high school as Ham Bone, Epstein, HPV, and Cheerio. Henry Sibley High School. Seabass of the Mets currently teaches there too.

T-Macs favorites

Twin: Kirby Puckett

Place to visit: Las Vegas

Color: Green

Cheese: Gouda

Holiday: 4th of July

Book: Green Mile

Ice Cream: Blue Moon

Frozen Pizza: Heggies

Go Pirates!


More interviews to come, if you would like to be featured please contact Epstein at

Posted in: HRL

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Web Gem
# Web Gem
Friday, July 13, 2018 4:19 PM
This is great, keep them coming.

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