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This time last year during the Winter Meeting, I was nursing a 13% barleywine beer listening and watching our 2023 Hall of Fame inductees being announced and inducted.

A few minutes later as the “last” inductee wrapped up, I was saying something to Jay Mac and look up to see my picture up on the screen. I’m like what the … is that, was I supposed to demo website updates and forgot? That would be classic.

But no, it turns out the newly formed HRL Veterans Committee had made me their inaugural inductee into the HOF! To say I was shocked is an understatement. After finally comprehending what was happening, I sheepishly approached the front to try to give an adhoc speech. Where I tried in my head to gather thoughts of the last 18 years and who I should thank, who was there, etc. And I'm terrible at public speaking even with a script.

So after a couple minutes I wrapped up my babbling and said I’d have more to say at a later time. Once I could gather my thoughts. Then proceeded to thank those there who voted me in. Later that night I tweeted:

WOW! That's all I can say right now, wow! Big thanks to the @hrltwincities vet committee and those I talked to tonight. I never aimed for this, nor assumed it would happen; it was never about accolades, just for the love of wiffle. A nerd who knew how to build sites.

And at one point ran the league for a bit. As you can tell I suck at speeches (as well as news headlines), but this was so unexpected and for the greatest honor. I'll have a better 'thank you' and thoughts soon. Til then. Much love, HRL! #HRLHOF #Spoon #Beardface

And so now as we are on the verge of potentially adding more HOFers tonight, I felt I should get my thoughts and sh*t together and put pen to paper. So here I am with some more coherent thoughts (hopefully), of those who got me to this point and definitely need to thank (besides the Vets Committee of course), mainly in chronological order if any.


Most vets will remember Bork was the one who brought me into the league in July 2005. I remember at first when he mentioned the word wiffleball and league and I kind of blew it off. But when the (original not superteam) Senators needed someone he said I should join. So I did. Best DEEcision of my social life! Thank you, Sir Bork!


My first night we faced the legendary Braves. I had no idea who they were of course. They showed up with a case of Mickey’s and proceeded to hit a ridiculous amount of homeruns. At one point after he hit ten or so HRs off of Ten himself, Sanchez does a cartwheel while rounding the bases between 2nd and 3rd. I don’t know this kid but I jokingly say “If you show up my teammate like that again..” Needless to say he eventually became my best friend in the league as he loves wiffle too, including the part about being really good at it, but mainly in having a good time out there. Thanks man!


Besides being the godfather of the HRL, a couple weeks after I joined the league, Truck was looking for people to roadtrip to Michigan to go to AG’s Wifflehouse tournament he held in his backyard. Guys trip, Michigan, backyard wiffles? I was hooked. I remember Truck videoing me after we were eliminated rather quickly, asking me what I thought. I said something along the lines of “To think I’m only a few weeks into this all…”. And when Truck DEEcided he needed to take some time away as commissioner, I was happy to step in and try not to mess up what he had going here. Truck, good sir, you are a great man and wiffle ambassador and even though you don’t have to man this ship anymore I hope that you stick around with us for years to come.

Steve1 and the Cards

When the original Senators disbanded obviously I was little worried about finding a team to take on a piss poor player like myself especially at that early point. I remember being at one of the Hopkins rinks and talking with Steve1 and the original Cardinals and expressing my interest. They seemed like a fun team and needless to say that’s the franchise I stuck with for a majority of my career. Steve1, wherever you are, thank you! And to all my Cardinal brethren for the good times. Steve2, J-Zilla!, Hollywood, Disco Danny, Bombo, etc.

Box (and Rex and Pilot Nation)

While on the Cards we were able to convince Box to join us after his first year on the Braves. Primarily as the drive to Hopkins was a bit much for where he lived. He brought in Rex and they helped introduce the Cards to something called winning. But more importantly they were great guys. We spent many years and times together and Ben (Box) is pry the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. Thanks fellas!

Mrs. Dee & The Wiffle Widows

No the Widows wasn't a team name, it was the wives and girlfriends of some HRL players. The Widows would plan happy hours around their significant other's wiffleball schedule. Obviously, my wife was part of that group. Most of them have moved on or are busy with family, kids, etc. but most of them still allow us to play this kids’ game each week. Thanks to them and especially my wife for allowing me the time to take part on and off the field. Thanks, Mrs. Dee and The Wiffle Widows! 

Vets Committee

Again some of the biggest thanks go out to the people who literally got me here. There are some people on the committee who weren’t around at the time I was commissioner or the early days of the website. But for them all to come together and agree, was my greatest honor; of course, the greatest honor any HRLer can receive.

The Players, New, Old and those Who Moved On

But most of all thank you to everyone who has ever stepped foot in the rink. I’ve tried to always remember what the HRL is really about and how we all come in for different reasons or of varying skillsets or temperaments, and I am glad I got to know almost every one of you. And all are welcome as long as you love wiffleball!


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