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A glorious new HRL event!

002An amazing new idea by the HRL braintrust will come to fruition on February 26th as the HRL will hold it’s first ever DVD Premiere Party (no red carpet or limos)!  While the idea of a DVD viewing party has been bounced around from time to time on the message board by HRL’ers over the years, the idea took on a life of its own this time around when it was decided we just didn;t see each other often enough during the season.

HRL veteran Molgs took it to the next level when he hooked us up with what will be the host venue:  New Hope Cinema Grill.  It’s a movie theater with tables and full food and beverage service.  This event is going to be amazing, as word has leaked out of HRL Studios that the upcoming DVD release is coming along very well and a select few who have seen a preview have said this will be hands down, the funniest and most entertaining release yet!

All HRL players and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend!  Here are the particulars:
When: Thursday, February 26th, 7-10pm
Where: New Hope Cinema Grill  |  Website
Cost: $10 a head (if you haven’t already paid Molgs), and your very own copy of the DVD will also be available for $15.

Also, copies of past DVD’s to complete your collection (2005, 2006, 2007) we can make available at the event with a little advance notice by emailing Truck ASAP at  $5 a pop for those

Hope to see everyone there to make this little shindig an annual event we can all look forward to!  Here's a little something to tide you over until the real deal comes out!


Posted in: HRL

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