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The recap of the WM is here in note form, basically just a cut-n-paste of one of Sanchez' posts off the Message Board.

The winter meeting was fun as usual. Much debate on everything we talked about, and even a few very close votes on potential rule changes.

3 man rotation vs 2 man rotation: The 2 Man rotation will stand for yet another season. I believe this was the closest vote of the evening. Came down to something like 14-13 in favor of 2 man. Much was said, but probably none understood. Much about leaving it up to each team to decide how many pitchers to use and that it should be encouraged to let everyone pitch who wants to give it a try.

The Man and Molgsy Kiss the ring: World Series combatants The Man (Red Sox) and Molgs (Indians) share a poignant moment at the Winter Meeting.

The vote over to move the pitcher's "mound" (Dutch hates this term we found out.) back two feet (from 42' to 44') was voted down. Somehow the speed issue was brought up here, yet it wasn't. Strange powers used by the Commish.

The vote to change the "over the head" hit rule to the "over the line" hit rule was passed in an overwhelming fashion. This move is one of two changes that will hopefully bring more offense to the game. The exact placement of the line was not discussed in detail, but I believe it is assumed to follow the basepaths.

The second rule change that was made in hopes of adding offense was to change the balls to walk number from six to five. This will surely put more people on base, hopefully allowing more runs scored, but also will limit the number of "chase pitches" for the pitcher, forcing the pitcher to put the ball closer to the strike zone more often, and hopefully will also bring more hitting opportunities to the batter. The main argument to this rule change was that it is all fine and dandy for a pitcher with enough control over their pitches to "waste" pitches, but it might be difficult for lesser pitchers. Either way, 2006: 5 balls for a walk. 3 strikes for a K.

Cota tried to bring up the "Ball in Hand" rule and have it changed back to the pitcher being able to hold on to more than one ball at a time because he says fat people don't bend over. The crowd then proceeded to boo him off the platform.

A motion to clearly define what a "move" is when trying to pick off a baserunner was brought to the floor. Much debate went on, but because of the booze intake nothing was accomplished at this point. The motion to move this topic of discussion to a committee was made by Dutch. Motion was seconded by Sanchez, and everyone else ignored both of them. Truck then shouted a lot, told people that this was about as far as the meeting was going and we all went back to drinking.

Truck brought to attention that further meetings should take place, but perhaps in a smaller setting with one representative from each team making up the voting populus. From my view, this is the first step towards the formation of what I like to call, "The Wiffle High Council."

That about does it from my recollection. I'll not get into the after meeting parts. If you were there, it was good. If you were not, you missed out.


Posted in: HRL

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