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(The Free Agency period runs from Nov 1st to Dec 31st.  Teams must announce player additions, cuts, team changes, etc, during this time.  Players removed from a team or new players hoping to be picked up by a team will be added to the Free Agent list on the right.  Please contact Truck at with any questions or concerns.)




Current Free Agent list:
Shaun "Moneyshot" Lill

(The league is looking to add players to the free agent list.  If you’re looking to join the league, please contact The Commish at

(R) = Rookie Free Agent



11/1/08:  Team GM Scarecrow announces the A’s have two roster spots to fill.

11/18/08:  The A's have signed rookie free agent Tony "TT2" Telljohn.



11/1/08: Four players (Gusto, Schnoogens, Thor, T-Rex) have left the team and taken the slot vacated by the Tigers.  The remaining Angels (Alex, Eric, Jay) have not yet told the league what their intentions are.

11/13/08:  The team is moving to Hopkins for 2009, and Alex has announced the signings of two rookies: Pat "Sing Me A" Melody and Dan "Don't call me Timothy S" Dutton

11/19/08:  The team announced the signing of rookie free agent Jared "J-Rod" Roddy.



11/3/08:  Edgar has announced he is now a Free Agent.

11/7/08:  The Braves have announced Box is now a Free Agent

11/12/08:  The Braves announed the signings of Rob "Daubs" Anderson and DJ Deming, both formerly of the Colt .45's.



11/3/08:  Hendi announces that Hammer has retired and the Brewers are looking to fill at least 1 roster spot.

11/5/08:  The Brewers announce they will be moving from Hopkins to Eagan for 2009.

11/19/08:  The Brewers have officially announced the retirement of team founder Joe Lawrence, and are retiring the Brewers name.  They will now be known as the Astros.



11/2/08:  Dee has assumed control of the franchise and renamed it to the Cubs.  J-Zilla, Steve 1, and Steve 2 are staying with the team. Lumbercorn and Hollywood have both announced their retirement.

11/7/08:  The Cubs announce the signing of free agent Box, formerly of the Braves, and rookie Danny Recchio.


Colt .45’s

11/5/08:  Wole has announced he is now a Free Agent.

11/12/08:  The Colt .45's announce Wole will return to the team for 2009. 

11/14/08:  Team GM Thrill announces the team will move to Eagan for 2009, and also announces the signing of free agent veteran Erik "Seibs" Seiberlich.



11/3/08:  Team will return as-is for 2009.



11/13/08:  Team is likely to return as-is for 2009.



11/1/08:  Team will return as-is for 2009.



11/1/08:  Team will return as-is for 2009.



11/6/08:  Team GM Shirls has announced the signing of former HRL'er Kelly "Peeks" Pieklo.  Team has also announced the franchise name is reverting back to the Phillies.



11/12/08:  Team GM Ten announced that Gym Class has retired.


Red Sox

11/2/08:  Red Sox have announced the retirement of Lil' Randall.

11/8/08:  The team has signed Edgar off the Free Agent list.



12/3/08:  The Communist Party announces the signing of rookie free agent Richard Crabb.



11/1/08:  Team will return as-is for 2009.



11/1/08:  They have disbanded.  Seibs is believed to be the only player interested in returning as a free agent, and has been added to the list.

Four former Angels players have left the team, taken the Tigers slot and renamed their franchise the Marlins, and are seeking up to two more players.

11/28/08:  The Marlins announce the signing of rookie free agent Tom Vetscher.

12/19/08:  Teh Marlins announce the signing of rookie free agent Rocky Gonzalez



11/2/08:  Team will return as-is for 2009.


White Sox

11/3/08:  Pukeboy has announced that Camera Guy and Grahambo have both retired, and that Spaz will return to the team in 2009.

The team is looking to fill at least one roster spot.


Posted in: HRL

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