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Consider this the league's official announcement of some big changes with the league's power structure. While many are already aware of some of what I'm about to impart to you, this is the first time we've announced this publicly to the wiffle world, so to speak, so here goes.

I have officially decided to hang up the Commish spikes and blend into the rest of the wiffle population as just a player. It's something I've been wanting to do for some time, and like a proud papa teaching his boy to ride a bike, I feel I can let him go now because there's no doubt the boy (and this league) will ride just fine on its own. It's been a marvelous 6 year run, and it's a run I hope to continue as the league marches on into year 7 and beyond.

With that all said, my duties as the Commish and all-around-good-guy have been split amongst four guys who have not only been involved in the league for at least 5 of these past 6 years, but all guys I trust implicitly to keep this league running seamlessly. Lads, I give you your new HRL: Twin Cities Front Office.

Commish - Dee ... He's not only able to to communicate very well with people and understands how this league works, he's also willing and able to put in the needed time to keep this well-oiled machine running top-notch. I've been working with him very closely with the website and all things HRL for a few years now. He gets it. He will do great as your Commish and I know for a fact he's a very approachable and open-door policy kind of guy, so definitely talk to him if you ever have any ideas, suggestions or concerns.

Vice Commish - Sanchez ... Ok, we all know his on-field persona. But that's not why this prick has been promoted. Simple fact is, he has a passion for this league and has been here since Day 1. Sanchez will serve as Dee's backup as needed and will also be the man (lower case) in Hopkins to consult first if there are ever any questions or controversies for everything wiffle related, from rules to rescheduling. I also have no doubt that Sanchez will do a great job for the league.

City Presidents - K-Mart (Hopkins) and Ten (Eagan) - Charged with the task of dealing exclusively with their respective city's Park & Rec folks, these guys will be arranging everything from team registrations to equipment ordering to making sure the fields are stocked with the right equipment and that the fields are being taken care of. They will be quite literally "the keepers of the keys". They will communicate with Dee and/or Sanchez as needed if there are bulletins or news to spread to the league, they may also look for volunteers/helpers to assist in maintaining the fields and/or equipment. Their job is NOT to handle controversy or any BS, so don't bring it to these guys. Again, my confidence in these guys is unwavering-- Mart's done this job for a year already, and Ten will be shown the ropes, and I have no doubt he'll do great.

I hope all of you will get behind this change, as I have stressed to many people, if all goes well you should not see any difference in how the league operates and how the finished product comes out on gamedays. I have the utmost confidence in these guys, I hope you will back them too.


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